Here are some handy tips & usefully information for creating good sites
Step 1:-
Selecting Your Host in order to sep up advance website sorry(e.g. Blog, forum), you need to have any advanced host with php & mysql features.
I recommend and
And if you are ready to pay for hosting, use and x10hosting premium...however
i suggest u not to pay for a webhost if you are a newbie...
when you will learn everything then you could go with paid hosting...
Step 2:-
Getting a Domain When u r done wid setting your host,
next comes domain configuration... To configure your domain, ofcourse first you need to have get a free domain,
i recommend dot tk , , and
if you are ready to pay for domains, is the most trusted in domain deals...nowadays .in and .info domains are available at cheap rates...get them fast....
Step 3:-
Setting DNS record now we have both domain and hosting but they dont know about each other,
so our next job is to introduce them with each other using a record called DNS(domain name servers).
To set up DNS, u need to know the name servers of your hosting,
it looks somewhat like this you need to search your cpanel or enquire your host for dns record.
Then go to cpanel of your domain provider, search for dns configuration,
and add all name servers provided by your hosting... It normally takes 24 to 72 hours to set up a dns so its time to wait..
.(till now you introduced your domain about the server where your files are, but not shown the full path of files.)
Step 4:-
Parking Domain After a day or later of setting DNS record, go to hosting control panel and click on parked domains.
Enter domain name u registered and click on add, if it refuses to accept then try later and if it accepts your domain then just say wow!!!!
Coz u have integrated your host with domain name and now they cud b used together.
Step 5:-
Uploading Files Now the things are working towards your targeted site, so the next step is to upload sorry files.
Uploading files could be done through file manager provided in your hosts control panel or you can use any ftp manager to access your files.
When you access your files, at first you must see an "htdocs" or "public_sorry" folder,
open that folder and then upload your files, dont put your files in root folder of your host...always put them in htdocs..
Step 6:-
Creating MySQL this is optional if your sorry needs mysql database to operate(to find out check requirements of your sorry)...
MySQL is a database application that cud b easily integrated by php...
To create a MySQL database, go to cpanel of your hosting account and click on MySQL Databases(dolphin icon).
It will lead you to a page where you have to enter mysql database name for your website (dont forget to note that name)...and click on add...your database will be configured.
Next thing u have to do is to find out whether your sorry will setup tables in database or u will have to do work it out...find a *.sql file in your sorry.
If it exists, that means you have to make tables at your own...dont worry..its not difficult at all....just go to cpanel
and click phpmyadmin or click mysql database admin and get connected to ur database...In phpmyadmin sorry, click on import,
then choose the *.sql file from your computer...and click "go" will create tables automatically....its done
Step 7:-
Installing Script Finally coming to most important part of making a website using sorry....
so here we go First of all u need to read any instructions attached with sorry (usually readme.txt, installation.txt etc.) and
execute the followings as instructed by installation guide: 1.
If there is any instruction to enter database connectivity setting to specific file of the sorry, enter database name, user, password of mysql database we created in
step 6...and enter mysql host name from hosting cpanel left side bar 2. Run install.php or whatever instructed to be run for installation...
enter database connectivity details io asked in installation Enjoy....