now free classified fro your business

today i sharing the most interesting site which gives you better help in improve your business in intent world.
the site id
this site gives you to free classified  in his server to improve your business
this is his commercial where sun selling his old computer very easily!!

the main thing is that it has different sub-domains for every state like


The government of india launches new tablet for student of India to use internet & other purpose.

The government is sourcing the tablet from UK-based Datawind at Rs 2,256 - inclusive of all taxes, levies, freight and insurance charges, servicing and documentation.
 The first lot of 100,000 tablets will be provided to states at Rs 1,750 per tablet. 
The government wants to bring down this cost to less than Rs 500. 

The $35 tablet is Wi-Fi enabled with a 7-inch touch screen and is based on Google's Andorid 2.2 operating system.
 It has an internal storage capacity of 2GB which can be increased to 32 GB with an SD card
a battery back up of nearly three hours and two USB ports.
 Internet access can be with the help of separate data cards, or WiFi